Wednesday, December 30, 2009


firstly..DA SELAMAT SMPAI VANDY!!yeay! rindu blik..sbb blik kemas.hihi.
okayh..bout atlanta!!

notin much to talk about..
ptg 24 ari bln..well..the trip suppose to be in morning..but our driver kinda ade lost-memory dye org smpi lewat..n pakcik angin mmg tak consider langsung..tyme tu la dye nk agin kuat2..saket ati.
so agk beku la jgk kat luar tu tunggu driver to pick us up..but its worth waiting..
(kete sewa lawa o00o0oooo0o0)

bler sumer kete da kitorg pon gerak r..destinasi ATLANTA,GEORGIA!!
3 hour journey..REALLY make me dizzy+super penin+tdo cause the highway was like
naek bukit n then trun bukit n then nek bukit balek.boley dikatakan HEAVEN la bler berenti rehat.

so in the end..smpai hotel..HOLIDAY INN VILLA.nme superb kan.but,saye sngt tak suke servis dye..maybe coz the convention in the middle of holiday..n malay+indon will surely+positively create a very LOUD2 noise..the service given was not 2 hotel nie mmg takkan de dlm list sye bler nk gi trip in the future.pdn muke ko!

ok lepas check in..sye syahid ats katel smpai pg esok..*hihi*tak sedar pape langsung..well mlm tu pon tder talk or whatsoever..(but my friend said i sleep for like forever*cause sye tdo kol 8 mlm bngn kol 8 pg esoknye*well of cos la..katelnye mmg terbaeeekkk la..TERBENAM!!)

first day..opening ceremony..the talk was sooooo sooooo long..and + yg ckp nye bapak indon..mmg la sye tak amik pusing..n then my other friend was like zombie..mte mcm tngk tapi sbenonye tdo..HILLARIOUS..
n then mkn2!!part nie besy..mb sbb lmenye tak jumpe ari tu bler jumpe..mcm ternganga kjap...*hihi*n then there were talks smpai mlm..n then kitorg nek blik .. then syahid dpan tv..TAMAT.

second day..there were even more talks than the previous day..*menguap2*but..ade satu talk nih..the ustaz is from pakistan..very cute+he had long beard so the ustaz aura was so strong..n he talks bout relationship between genders..VERY interesting..rating: 5 stars (cause he support sister n kinda attack the brothers)
then we had a dinner with ambassador that..first time ever meet him n the speech was like very org melayu! i mean the way he address people..(like picking up people with free style). he was friendly..nice meeting him..n the food was very good..(sye mkn POPIA mlm tue *mmg sedap*)

ok tngn da antar mesej kat otak dye penat..boley tak skip satu ari?kite pegi part besy ok?

on fourth day..we skip the talk thingy to go to aquarium..OK INI BUKAN PLAN SYE!! talk ari tu mmg sngt buhsaaaannnnn so we decide to do sumtin OFF we go to atlanta aqua..
it is the most largest aquarium in the world. cmner nk cter ek?haa..imagine u hve 5 aquarium such the one in KLCC..but in one building..pretty much mcm tu la besarnye..

so we go to the aquarium n take pictures bnyk2..mmg la cntek aquarium tue..n pyh ckp la.
bnyk gler..n seblom masok tu..jumpe pakcik sorng nie ngan ank cute dye..ORG MESIA!!n mcm biase.
tngkp gmbar lg(u must know that overc student will become too excited if we meet org kg)

nak disambung cter..lpas masuk aqua tue..trus balek *sbb pusin2 carik kedai roti canai tak jumpe2*
n then tdo*sye sempat cube bath tub mlm tue*seronok2*

last day..*tak pegi mjlis penutup sbb terljk tdo lepas subuh*but overall it was fun n all talks was not super dead borin..*at least tak de la smpai sye tdo2*so after that we have fun first at CENTENNIAL PARK..tngh berangin2+super cold mcm tue..kitorg jln2 kat park..mmg la fear factor clothes was like not for angin mmg la sejuk smpai tngn+face beku2..
tapi manage jgk jln smpai CNN CENTER.the place was soo cool.ade cartoon network store sngt2!
nk cter pon susah..cause pictures worth a thousand words.

dpan aquaria*sye je yg pose2*

centennial park

cnn center

dis one is a masjid act..very big..mcm kat mesia lak..cantek sngt2!

mkn2 kat restoran arab..(ade aym golek..*hepi2*)

lpas solat kat masjid..kitorg mkn kat restoran arb tue..mmg besy!

bende nie is like starfish..very jelly..*tu tngn sye tngh sentuh2 dye*

okayh..sampai sini je..sye nk berenti boley?nk tngk gmbar bynk2 dlm fb de..ok chow!
peace be upon u guys..

luv to walk in the rain..cause no one can see me cry-charlie chaplin
p/s:jgn ditnye knpe post sumtin like dis..sje je..nice words from a comedian!

Thursday, December 24, 2009



sye tder kat VANDY selame 5 ari
feel hepi..(well almost)

sesape nk kontek saye
saye ade bwk lappy..hehe.

take care guys..

kpde bdak2 vandy..
jgn mti kering dlm bilik sbb borink winter break..
n one more thing
atlanta is totally not a place for eskimo guys...hihi.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

salam tahun baru~~

da empat jam maal hijrah..
dan that moment
sy tngh wt laundry
sooooooooooooo not appropriate way
nk smbut maal hijrah
happy tahun baru
n gud luk for this year!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

meng-calculus-kan otak

agenda: perang calc

pihak lawan: PAMELA PIGG
*soklan yg tk dapek nk expect
*10 pages final Qs
*soklan yg biol kpl otak nk jwb..

dye servis ngn bende2 nie.
aku da expect.haha.
so aku balas dngn..

#bc sumer notes awl taun
#pegi 2 klas review dye
#stay up smpai pg(all week.haha.ok, syahid few times.)
#mintak blessing ngan mak(mak pos SARDIN.waaa.syg mak lbey)
#bt bnyk dates dngn DYE..

so, aku hrp gler2
prof aku ni tak maen jampi serampah
nk kuar soklan peliks2!
cause kalaw cm2
mmg aku lari kuar dewan!
sumpah aku tak men2!

and currently, its 9pm
esok pekse
kol 7pm
mintak2 boley buat!

gotta go!

p/s: MUSE nk dtg. duet tader. kusymil nih.mane nk cekau duet?huhu.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


saye rse saye kene stalk dngn ramai org!
or just perasaan?

p/s: tu je nk ckp

Friday, December 11, 2009


ok. tibe2 masok food memory lane.
perut da bt orkestra.
ngade2 btol.

n bler mcm ni la perut teringat

ais kacang(depan skola lame..mmg heaven la)
sambal udang(udang yg sekilo rm15 tu.fuhhh.mmg sedap la bt sambal)
nasik lemak(ade je nasik lemak kat cni. tp nk yg de daun pndan..)
ayam kentucky halal( mmg puase aym KFC la aku due thun.huhu)
n much2 more.
ok.stop perut.jngn ingt lagi.(*wani ckp*)

and perut terus stop ingt
and that`s the end.hehe.
kne smbung study!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


kepala da nk biul
nk abeh sem

tyme2 mcm nilah aku..
bnyk pekse
bnyk kene study
bnyk skip mkn(*potentially akn kurus)
tk byk gelak2(gud??)
bnyk date ngan tuhan(mak suruh)

dan tyme mcm ni lah jugak dye..
nk ujan..ribut+taufan+angin sumer
kene cucuk(hep b+seasonal flu+swine flu)
takcukup tido(sbb pkir calc blom khatam)
tensen pkir jadual next sem(pigg or chance??)

n that`s all.
kene sambung study..ngeee..

Monday, December 7, 2009

ape nk buat..kalaw..

ape nk buat kalaw kite rase..
n desperate?

option #1
amik bntal, take nice position , n then u sleep

result: not too effective, but at least u can get way from this world for a sec..and then realizing that u did not finish ur hmwrk at the time u wake up!

pegi chillis order bnyk2, mkn bnyk2

result: u will ended up kene byr sume yg anda pesan n maybe kene keje sementara kat c2 sbb tak cukup duet nk byr.

tepon mak abah

result: sort of calming..mak akn ckp..cube lg..n maybe this was not ur rezeki n abah may said..blaja lgi..your knowledge is not enough..(n of course sume ni dlm malay)

bentang sejadah..jumpe tuhan..

result: kpd org yg penah lah yg terbaek.(*untuk saye jugak senanye).kalaw da agk lame tak date ngan tuhan..bek date skang.(*reminder for me..n for the rest of the gang)

in conlusion, buat ape yg terbaek..coz tak sume org de similar ways nak
handle kinda depressed+mushy+lonely+tension feeling ni..
so do what the besy for u..and u will be just fine.
ok. sebenanye saye pon tak phm kenape saye tulih psl ni
n tetibe rase nk tulih. skang da habes idea nk ngarut.
ok. sekian. salam.

Friday, December 4, 2009

terkene penyakitkah aku??

entah mengapa dn bgaimn..
rase mcm rajen plak aku ni mengupdate blog
sungguh musykil dihati ini..
terkena penyakitkah aku?
(rase nk ketuk kepala dngan hammer sbb intro
takleh blah)

tataw la bley skor ke tak..
just wait n see la

skang ni keje tek bertimbun la sngt kan
*final cvil presentation

check.da selamat disempurnakan ari rabu.grup first kot.cuak thp 9 skala richter kot.but, all went well..hehe

*final reflection paper for CS

mainly bout ethics with computer. ok ramai kerut dahi. bler masuk klas ni, sort like korg kene argue whether bende tu slh ke tak?for exmple, if someone asked you where is your friend and you knoe he is going to kill your friend, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? haha.soklannnye lbey kurg cm tu la. *and to be frank,saye slh soklan nie.hehe.

*correction for calc tests

da de 1, 2, 3 calculus tests. salah bnyk kene la bt bnyk pembetulan.leceh tol.waktu pekse tanak btul bnyk2.huhu.sdey!

*n the last one, merevised ape yg da blaja untuk final
this may sound very pathetic, tp aku tak start pon lg sume2 nk revise nie! terase mmg seminggu stret la aku tak tido ni..takut la nak final.NAK BALEK!!!

in conclusion, saya patut bergerak kehadapan agar kemajuan dpt dicapai (and i may have to take a bath first.hehe)


p/s: adkh wajar saya menuang klas esok?haha..just kidding!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

orang mkn...aku??

dengan ini selamatlah aku bertapa
tngh bt slide kt commons..
matthew kat dpan dngn ale kat tepi..
berkerut2 kening bt keje..
seb bek aku kene sketch je
kalaw kene kire..mmg tak dapekla..

sungguh tak disangka..aku berbakat
rupenye lukis2 nih
angkat bakul sendiri *of course la*

waaaaa!!perut lapar..
bler nk abeh nii??

bau mcm2 skrg..

goal mlm nie: finish off calculus book chpter 5 and 6
*knpe mcm tak mungkin je*
tadi pon syahid kat eskind..huhu..
ngantuk seyh!!
gler btul la aku ni
pekse ari khamis kot..WEEEE!!
whatever..asl aku bhgia

and da abeh supernatural season two!!
great achievements!!lgi due season menunggu!!
tunggu winter break la
im sooooo not in my mind if tngk bende tu skang!

ok.. da bleh blah...
nak makan
smpai cni je taw
nnty update lg
mesh potato&peach cobbler&daaz menanti..

p/s: ade org ckp ade salji pg tadi! sumpah tak tido mlm nie!